When you are bored at home and what’s to listen to your radio. Now, you experience issues of your Sirius XM radio keeps loosing signal. Don’t worry, this is what to do when you are bored at home. Fix it!! We are here to solve it with you! We’ll walk you through how to troubleshoot satellite radio issues. Below are 5 most common satellite radio issues and how to fix them. Step By Step How To Install Multi Tv Yourself
1. Physical Obstruction
The radio may have lost contact with the satellite due to some objects blocking signal. Also, you might have issues with the radio loosing signal when driving your car in any of these situations:
• A tunnel
• A thick canopy of trees
• The mountains
• Next to tall buildings
How To Troubleshoot This
Although, there is nothing much you can do in this situation if there’s a large obstruction, like a tunnel, except to move your car. However, your SiriusXM radio will receive a signal immediately you get pass the obstruction or get to another area without blockage between your car and the sky. According to SiriusXM, your satellite radio works best when there is a clear view of the southern sky.
To determine that physical obstruction is the only reason for your Sirius satellite radio antenna loosing signal, you need to troubleshoot the other issues on this list to rule them out. Do it your self; Your Sky Digital Box Has No Signal
2. Failing Tuner
The satellite radio tuner receives signal from the satellites. Sometimes the radio tuner will fail to function properly. In that case, it will be difficult to pick up the signal, decoding the data, and also converting it to different channels.
How To Troubleshoot This
If you are seeing “channel not available” or “channel not subscribed,” firstly, try other channels. The problem may not be from the tuner but something specific to that channel. To check if the tuner is the issue, eliminate all of the other potential problems on this list first. If the antenna, wires, and other parts are in perfect condition, then the tuner is faulty. How To Fix Spectrum Tv No Signal On Channels
3. Bad Wiring
There could be a break, weak point, or wrong connection in the wiring between the SiriusXM antenna and the tuner. Or also, there could be the same issues in the wiring between the tuner and your stereo. This can affect the sound quality badly and it can cause the radio to cut out often.
How To Troubleshoot This
Turn on the radio and physically inspect all of the wires passing through the Sirius XM radio antenna and the tuner, and also the tuner and the stereo. However, If you see a check tuner message, ensure the SXV300 tuner connection is plugged securely into the head unit. Wiggle the connectors, and flex the wiring near the cconnector.
Check if their is any disruption in the sound. (All of these wires are low voltage wires and flexing them is safe.)
Did you know that weather and traffic channels sound different than the other channels you receive through SiriusXM satellite radio?These channels use different audio technology, so if you’re worried your connection is off because of a unique sound or tone, it may just be the channel you’re listening to.
4. FM Adapter Interference
A times an FM adapter will get distortion from another FM radio transmitter. This mostly occurs when you’re traveling to another city or area. If you have an FM modulator and if your sound quality is compromised, then FM adapter distortion may be the issue.
How To Troubleshoot This
Start with checking your SiriusXM radio menu and get the setting that shows you the actual frequency your FM adapter is using. Then find the car stereo to ensure it is set to that exact frequency. A times the car stereo tuner knob or button will get bumped just enough to create bad sound. If these are correctly set, slowly tune your car stereo up or down from the FM adapter frequency. However, an FM station broadcasting near the frequency that your adapter is utilizing can result to interference. Try selecting another frequency for the adapter. How To Use A Multimeter To measure Antenna Signal Strength
5. Antenna Issues
We always experience bent antenna, broken, not securely plugged into the cradle, or just malfunctioning. Always, the radio will show an error message that says something like “antenna not detected”
How To Troubleshoot This
If you are looking for how to fix xm radio keeps loosing signal as a result of antenna issues, here’s the fix. Lets begin with the easiest fix, turn off your SiriusXM radio head unit, wait for 10-30 seconds, and then turn it back on. Of course, this will restart the antenna and sometimes fix the issue. If the error message keep displaying, you may need to replace the antenna.
Also, if you’re not certain and still need what to do because you’re bored, check for a physical issue with the antenna, you’ll have to inspect it physically. Confirm that the antenna is in good shape. If it looks like the antenna is still in good shape, then it might not be well plugged into the cradle (if you’re using a dock and play or portable radio). Always make sure the Magnetic Mount Antenna cable is securely plugged into your SXV300 tuner.
Try removing the antenna and then reinstalling it to see if the issue has gone away. Also, with SiriusXM Radio playing, try flexing the antenna cable along its length and at the connection points. However, If there is a disruption in the sound, you’ll need a new antenna.
I hope this really helped you fix your Xm radio loosing signal issues and also cleared boredom as it is also what to do when you are bored at home.

Frenzy valentine is a passionate blogger, developer, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and author of myfreshgists.com and Mycatnails.com.
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