How To Fix Signal Strength On Dstv: 100% signal settings

How to fix signal strength on DSTV

Have you ever been in a position that you are watching your favorite TV show and suddenly your DStv displays a no signal message. You don’t have to stress your self as I have listed out why you are having connection issues and how to fix DStv satellite dish signal problem or low signal strength with simple signal settings and adjustment. 

Indeed, Dstv is one of the best satellite TV in sub Sahara Africa. Multichoice company which is based in South Africa and has its presence in Nigeria, Ghana and lots of other African countries boosts of over 50million subscribers. From forums and comments, most comments were “how do I get maximum dstv signal strength” so I decided to have a look into it. In this post, am going to discuss in detail how to fix signal strength on DSTV and tips to avoid signal loss when using your dish.

How to Reset DStv & fix Dstv channels not showing

How to find DSTV signal on your TV screen

First, let’s look at how you can find DSTV signal strength and power in your TV. Follow below steps to check signal strength on your decoder. First, go to DStv signal strength settings;

  1. Click the “Help” button on your remote.
  2. Choose the “General Information”
  3. And then Select “Tuner Status”

After that, your Dstv signal quality will be displayed on your TV screen. Now let’s look at causes of Dstv signal problem for both old and new decoders.

Dstv Signal Problems 

To the best of my knowledge, DStv signal problem is often caused by bad weather, poor installation, faulty LNB cable, and also dstv frequency settings and thereby resulting to e48-38 error on DStv HD decoder.

There are couple of fixes for DSTV signal problem depending on the cause. So, you will first find out where the problem is coming from. Just like e16 error message that appear on screen when your subscription expires, poor signal also display different errors. So let’s point out error codes you could face when having DStv signal strength 0. Steps To Check Dstv Balance Online, SMS Code & App

Dstv Poor Signal Error Messages

e48-38 error

DStv e48-38 error messages appears when your Dstv dish stops receiving any signal. This responsible for DStv signal strength 0 issues. The major cause for e48-38 error is bad weather, faulty lnb cable also, it could be that the Dish have gone out of alignment.

e48-32 error on DSTV

Dstv No Signal Found Error

This DStv signal strength 0 shows up when the satellite dish is not receiving optimal sinal required to show all channels. However, channels with low frequency will be shown but channels that needs high bandwidth will be unable to broadcast. This is usually caused by miss-aligned satellite dish and old or faulty lnb cable.

DSTV no signal found error

Dstv Tuner 1 & Tuner 2 No Signal Messages

Tuner 1 & Tuner 2 error messages on DSTV appears when there is an error in connection. The DSTV tuner error messages has nothing to do with the dish alignment or position although bad weather could play a part as it can affect the connection in one way or the other.

The main cause of DSTV Tuner 1 and Tuner 2 error messages is improper connection in the decoder and also old or faulty lnb cable. Frequencies & Positions Of Free To Air Satellite Tv Channels

DSTV tuner error messages

Now that we have seen all error messages you can experience when using DSTV and possible causes, now let’s go straight to how to fix signal strength on DSTV. 

How To Fix Signal Strength On DStv

To fix error e48-38 on DSTV re-align the satellite Dish to get the optimal signal. The cable should be properly connected and replace if faulty. After the adjustment, restart your decoder.

DStv no signal error can be fixed by adjusting your satellite dish to receive highest signal required to broadcast all channels both low and high frequency channels. This can be done be re-positioning the dish and also tightening all loose ends. And re-fixing the LNB cable. Also, try resetting your decoder to see if you can get rid of the poor signal strength message on your DSTV.

Tuner 1 & Tuner 2 error message on DSTV. Tuner errors can be fixed by ensuring proper connection of LNB cables and a replacement if faulty.

Finally, I hope the above step by step guide on how to fix signal strength on DSTV worked for you perfectly. On the other hand, contact a local installer. Hope you enjoyed our DIY guide on how to fix DStv signal problem.

How To Increase Dstv Signal Strength

If you are not experiencing any signal loss but just want to ensure steady quality signal reception, follow this guide to increase DSTV signal strength and be assured of optimal reception.

  1. ensure proper connection of the F-type connectors on the LNB cable and the decoder
  2. ensure that your satellite dish is properly aligned and tighten to the host.
  3. If you notice any cut or wear out in your LNB cable, replace them before it start affecting the signal
  4. Don’t fix your satellite dish where there is an obstruction from the sky. Cut down any tree obstructing it. Also re-position it if there is any building coming up very close to its position.
  5. Always monitor your DStv signal strength settings to know when it start loosing signal.

What to do when there is no signal on DStv

No Signal On Satellite Dish

To get maximum signal level, Then your satellite dish needs to be aligned correctly to avoid loss of signal, It is not proper to align a satellite dish by eyesight alone or by mere looking at the others house’s satellite dish. simply because of the way they work and the transponders/frequencies that they use.

There’s a big differences between a signal with good quality signal and no signal at all. Increase or little adjustment to realign your satellite dish already knocked off direction could be the reason why your satellite dish not working and this is how to fix satellite dish signal problem.

If your Dstv satellite dish signal strength is 0, I recommend using signal finder or TV Spectrum analyzer to monitor and check when high quality signal is achieved. Also make available all necessary tools required to align DStv satellite dish as it will be needed.

So, I will take you through each step of the process step by step.

Inspect the DStv connection cables

If you are having Dstv signal problem, then this should be among the first thing to check. Moreover, you can do on your own. Firstly, check the DStv signal settings, check all the DStv cables connected to the back of your decoder. Then, search for any loose DStv cables.

Ensure all cables are tightly connected to the correct ports on the decoder. Remember human activities, pets and wind can pull out your DStv cables connected at the back of your decoder.

If you see any loose cables you should just plug them back onto the DStv decoder. Ensure that you plug in the signal cable on the right port (LNB-in and Unicable-in).

Try Rebooting your decoder

Just like we all know, quick restart of your decoder can solve multiple problems such as scrambled Channels. Dstv keeps searching for signal and other decoder errors which only require a quick restart to work perfectly.

You can reboot your Dstv decoder by continuous pressing of the power button. Before rebooting your decoder, ensure steady power and be ready to patiently wait for some minutes.

Satellite dish maintenance

It’s necessary to always check Dstv signal settings as it will help solve lots of issues even before they arise. Always ensure the well being of the dish and use every method to prevent rust as it will surely result to DStv signal problem .

Check if the satellite dish has gone out of alignment. If it has, realign it and tightly fix the bolts, ensure that the bolts on the satellite dish are very tight. A signal detector will be of advantage when re-aligning the dish. Also, check if the f-connectors are connected to the LNB

How to Align the DStv dish for optimum reception

  • Use a Dstv signal finder to position the dish to point at the southern sky.
  • Increase the elevation, you can increase the satellite dish elevation for a better reception. Adjust it from 36 to 39 degrees.
  • Monitor the satellite dish, adjust the LNB to point at 4 O’clock. Visit DStv signal strength settings to test for optimal signal quality.

how do i get dstv signal strength 100 % quality

  • Use any strong material to tightly tie the cable on your wall.
  • Pay for your decoder subscription package before due date.
  • Contact dstv customer service when necessary.
  • Always monitor your decoder signal strength settings and ensure its 100% quality.
  • If you experience signal strength problem when all is properly fixed, contact an installer.
  • Keep your remote and decoder out of reach of children to avoid damages.

Common causes of DStv signal problems and fixes

Weathering/Waterlogged Cables

Water could cause disruption in your reception. So preventing water from getting into the cable wire. Because the DStv satellite dish is an outdoor antenna, it is necessary to put in place all measures to stop water from penetrating into coaxial and the LNB. This is to avoid Dstv satellite dish poor signal reception, to achieve this, here are the common ways to avoid weatherproofing or waterlogged.

  1. Pull down the weatherproofing cover on the LNB
  2. use weatherproof f-connectors
  3. use tape to over open surfaces in the cable wire
Image of trees blocking satellite dish

Obstructions From Trees & Blocking Buildings

Tall buildings and trees can affect your Dstv signal strength as they block it from receiving high quality signal which could lead to your satellite TV dish not working properly.

To ensure optimal signal reception on your Dstv satellite dish, position it where there is no obstruction or cut down branches of trees obstructing it from receiving signal. Also, endeavor to clear cobwebs covering the Dstv dish. Therefore, location plays a big role in signal reception in any satellite dish. How To Activate & Reset Dstv Decoder After Subscriotion Payment

Faulty LNB

Obviously, faulty LNB will automatically result to your Dstv satellite dish not working. Although, some LNB’s develop fault and yet, functions properly. In this situation, it will be very difficult to troubleshoot your dish when it starts developing faults. So, using high performance test tools to check the satellite signals should help a lot.

If your satellite dish is well aligned and accurate with no obstructions blocking the signal with no significant weathering disorder and during the night seems not to be cloudy when properly checked.

Replacing a faulty LNB should be a nice step in fixing DStv satellite dish signal problems. LNB do not only affect the signals but also uneasy to diagnose in certain situation. So, replacing it will contribute to high quality signal strength on your Dstv.

Bad weather

Bad weather is one of the major challenge faced by all satellite dish and antenna. Atmospheric conditions like heavy rainfall, lighting and cloudy atmosphere can result to your Dstv satellite dish signal strength to be 0. When you see no signal message proceed to DStv signal settings to check if there’s an outage.

In this case, I recommend the use of a lager satellite dish to increase signal reception. But to be sincere, there’s nothing much you can do to fix satellite signal problems or No signal caused by bad weather. Certainly, the signal always comes back when the storm or rain stops. Although it will only take a heavy rainfall to result to this, therefore, if you are having signal problem on your Dstv decoder when the rainfall is not heavy then you should get a bigger dish to receive more high quality signal.

However, it’s necessary to turn off and unplug any electronics device in your home during heavy rainfall. Lightening can penetrate to your satellite dish through the LNB and cause a serious fault on your decoder.

Short Cable connection

DStv satellite dish not working could be caused by short cable connection. If there’s a short cable connection between LNB and receiver, the negative charges of the coaxial cable may touch the positive conductor. Resultantly, would cause the flow of direct current (DC) from the LNB to the Satellite receiver. Also, this could result to major hardware fault and making your satellite dish not working properly.

To fix Dstv satellite dish signal problems in this situation, use coaxial cable without any joining. Tightly connect the cable wire and F-connector.

Broken Satellite Dish

As the satellite signals are sent down to earth from satellites in space and later reflected by the the satellite dish antenna through the LNB. However, if any part of the satellite dish damages or rust, the LNB will be unable to receive signal. This will result to signal result to be 0.

Similarly, If the LNB sit or holder is shaking and can’t hold the LNB tightly, it could result to satellite dish not working. So its advisable to tighten or better still get a new LNB holder.

Electrical issues

Electrical problems could result to satellite dish not working, This always happens when there’s wrong connection or spike. Whenever you have an electrical issue at home, contact a technician to fix it.

There are lots of mobile phone operators and Network providers that uses frequencies with the satellite intermediate frequency band (IF). This could reduce the signal strength on your Dstv. The best way to fix this is to get an additional satellite dish if possible, a bigger one.

Another cause of Dstv satellite dish signal problem that people don’t know is high gained signal. When the coaxial cable is connected to high gained LNB, you may experience loss of signal in your TV. To correct this error, use a signal attenuator to reduce the signal amplitude.

Final thoughts

May be after going through DStv signal settings, yet nothing has changed, its time to take the final step which will surely solve the problem. Contacting an installer will be a good option as it will save you the stress of going through this process. Joining the que asking how do I get dstv signal in forums and multichoice social media accounts might be helpful as they may attend to you. However, fixing it your self will be more preferable as it will save cost and time. Thanks for readin.

4 thoughts on “How To Fix Signal Strength On Dstv: 100% signal settings”

  1. I am having a problem here with my decorder…
    It say “The channel number you selected is not in this viewing environmet” but it an E50-32


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