Maybe for some reasons you wish to cancel an order you made on Amazon before and after shipping or items on the way. Returning orders are easier if your order shipped directly from Amazon using ‘Your Orders’. Cancelling an order on Amazon can easily be done on app or using a web browser on a mobile device. How to easily track an Amazon order on with computer & mobile device
Here’s a step by step guide to cancel items or orders before getting on the way, first, you can cancel Amazon order before shipping by proceeding to Your Orders and select the order you want to cancel.
How to cancel order online
Tap on the check box next to the item you wish to remove from the order. To cancel the entire order placed, tap on all of the items.
Now, Select Cancel checked items when done.
After cancelling an order on Amazon, a confirmation message will be sent to the email address on your account.
To check if the order was successfully cancelled, visit Your Orders and then ‘Cancelled Orders’ section, you’ll see all cancelled items.
How to Cancel Order on App
Follow below steps to cancel all orders using Amazon app;
- Launch the mobile app.
- Tap menu on the top left and then “Your Orders” from the options.
- Select the item you want to cancel and tap on View order details from the next screen.
- After that, choose the Cancellation reason on the next screen.
- And lastly, tap on cancel checked items to finish canceling your order.
How to cancel Amazon order on the way
Generally, cancelling an order could be stressful especially, if your order shipped directly from a seller. You will have to visit Contact Third-Party Sellers. In the same vein, you should know how long Amazon takes to refund a cancelled order, just to avoid been in haste. How Can I Reactivate Amazon Flex Account
To cancel Amazon order on the way, click the Cancel items button on ‘my already shipped order’. If the item is still on the way, Amazon will contact UPS and instruct them to send the package back to Amazon. This will be possible if you cancelled the order early enough.
Refusing the package the only way to return already delivered Amazon order. This is by not accepting it when it arrives thereby making the delivery person take it back.
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Frenzy valentine is a passionate blogger, developer, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and author of and