May be for some certain reasons, your Amazon flex account got disabled, and there’s no shortcoming from your end. This article will take you on a simple guide on Amazon flex reactivation process to get reinstated with amazon flex in no time.
There are two kinds of amazon flex deactivation which are permanent and temporary. In this post, I’ll point out what could be the cause of disabling your flex account and possible means to get Amazon flex deactivation. Although you can only use the amazon flex appeal email to reinstate a temporary deactivation.
Causes Of Temporary Deactivation
There are lots of reasons that could lead to temporary amazon flex deactivation. Late deliveries is a major issue and can lead to deactivation if not corrected on time. When customers did not receive their delivery and yet it was not returned to Amazon on time. Also, always pressing the “I’m at the location but my GPS isn’t working” can contribute to temporary disabling of flex account. Quick Way To Recover Lost Amazon Gift Card Today
Permanent Deactivation
There are two major causes of permanent deactivation of amazon flex account, they include; too many missed blocks or shifts and being late repeatedly for a block or shift.
A deactivation notice will be sent to you if you fail to meet Amazon standard of service. An email listing where you failed to meet-up will be sent to you and followed by account deactivation.
Contesting Deactivation
To get an Amazon flex reactivation after receiving the disabling email, here is a way to contest your deactivation and possible reinstatement with Amazon flex. Using the online Qualtrics form that was sent with the email to initiate amazon flex appealing process. 4 Ways To Get US Amazon Gift Cards – Free & Paid
Once deactivated, you no longer have access to Amazon Flex the account has been closed. Also, phoning them won’t help. However, you can send an appeal email to
What to do before sending an appeal email
In couple of forums I’ve been lately, I noticed the constant repetition of this question “how can I reactivate my Amazon flex account”. People are always looking for the easy way and are always in a rush to take a decision. You shouldn’t rush to send an appeal email, when there’s 10 days given to send a reply.
I’ll recommend figuring out the reasons of your account deactivation and possible solution. Send your reply, explaining in details how you planned to fix the issues that led to your shortcomings. Include your past success story in the email and also why you choose to be back even after getting your Amazon flex deactivated for not been reliable.
Moreover, have in mind you have just one chance to send the appeal email, so be straight to point, make it brief and neat.
Amazon Flex Response Time
Although, its assumed that Amazon Flex reactivation can take up to three weeks to respond to your appeal email. However, there have been several cases disabled account got reinstated with Amazon flex in less than 24hours of sending the appeal email. How To Check Amazon Gift Card Balance Without Redeeming
Also, app activation could take few days so wait patiently till you get the activation email. During this appeal process, further emails are discouraged as it will be marked as spam. and do not send further emails. And after receiving the activation email, its advisable to exercise patience for at least 3-5 hours to before the reactivation process.
Setting of block should be done from the next day so you don’t miss a block after activation and getting into the same reason for deactivation. And lastly, after fully getting back to business, apply all necessary measures to ensure you don’t violent their policies as it could result to permanent deactivation. Thanks for reading.

Frenzy valentine is a passionate blogger, developer, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and author of and
All of my Información check out thought checkr.But i was deactivated.
Can Simeone please let me no what happen. and how to get reactivated.
Thank you Avilla
Please Re-activ the my Amazon flex id
Follow the article carefully to get your Amazon flex account reactivated