Step by step how to fix DsTv satellite tv
Over the years, Cable television has taken over the stage of home entertainment. Dstv satellite tv have been in existence for decades now and still maintain its quality service to its subscribers.
Dstv satellite dish or dstv antenna receives signal and transmits the signal to the decoder. In this publication we are discussing how to fix dstv satellite dish at home, office or any where you may decide to do so.
These are the major materials used to fix dstv Satellite tv.

• DsTv Satellite dish (ie. Reflector, Lnbf and Decoder. They come together).
• A good hammer
• .4 Pieces of 3-inches nailI
• packet of cable clips, the one with nails, and 14/15 combination.
• flat or ring spanner
• A cutter (or electric pliers)
• A Black Solution Tape (cellotape).
• A Screwdriver F connectors (a minimum of 2) and Coaxial cables (1 full roll of Coaxial cable is about NGN1,000, $9)
• A 4663x or 4669x Strong decoder
Extra Tools
These are some materials that are also necessary if you choose to use a pipe to hang the dstv satellite dish antenna instead of using the house roof, the house wall or those wooden fetcher board placed before the roof.
The pipe should be attached on an open space without obstruction from trees and/or other thing that can affect the quality of signals received. These are the necessary tools needed to mount satellite dish outside the building or with a longer pole or pipe.
One or two cup of Cement, half painter of stones, a trowel. Any thing that can be used for digging like Cutlass or shovel. A painter of sand and a some water
step by step guide how to fix dstv satellite tv [satellite dish]

Step I
Screw the cement screws or six wood through the six holes to be drilled, in the base of the DStv antenna mast \in any location that you wish to do so. The mounting location should not have an obstructed view from the southern sky.

Step II
Put the main dish antenna assembly at the top of the mast, having the center of the mast fitted on the back dish assembly joining with the top of the mast pole. join the two screws on the mast clamp to hold the main dish assembly firmly to the mast.

Step III
Plug the RG-6 coaxial cable into the “Cable” port in the base of the main dish assembly, now plug the other side of the cable into the “Antenna” port in the back of the DStv satellite receiver that is connected to your television.

Now you are good to enjoy the best of DStv now incase you are having issues on how to fix DStv satellite dish, you can contact DStv customer care or checking out their DStv now app or DStv app. To view and subscribe to DStv packages click here. To know best dstv remote to use for your dstv now, to enhance better viewing click here. https://myfreshgists.com/how-to-fix-gotv-antenna/

Frenzy valentine is a passionate blogger, developer, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and author of myfreshgists.com and Mycatnails.com.