Reasons for Amazon Fire Stick Black Screen
- Just like every other electronic gadget, amazon fire stick is somewhat prone to hardware/software troubles
- It may be as a result of mishandling of gadget or any other factors
- Fire stick is also liable to have some faults, and the black screen is one in that list
- This issue is called Amazon fire stick black screen
Preliminary Steps to be Done for Amazon Fire Stick Black Screen:
- At times, one may see that the TV display is in good condition. But you cant go through the options and feel the firestick loading. Now the first thing you will have to do is to troubleshoot your fire stick remote. Try and see if you have correctly paired the remote with your firestick device.
- Shutdown your device, unplug the power cord from the firestick, plug it again and now restart the device. By making use of the remote, you can do this restart option.
- Tap and hold the ‘select’ & ‘play/pause’ button simultaneously for 5 seconds
- Proceed to the firestick home menu, tap the settings then device and then click ‘restart’
- The amazon firestick can get the power from the TV itself. But at times , as a result of some other external factors, firestick may not be able to get sufficient power from the TV. So, it will be better to plug your firestick to the power supply always with the use of USB power cord.
- If you are making use of HDMI extender to plug the firestick to the power source, only take the High-Speed HDMI cable from the package, rather than making use of random cables.
- Otherwise, checkout other HDMI input port in your TV.
By performing the above-mentioned steps, at maximum, you will be able to fix the Amazon fire stick black screen issue at ease . If the fault persists, follow the below steps,
Some other ways to try,
- Choose the correct HDMI input, that you have plugged the fire stick in your TV menu
- Try to connect by different HDMI cable extender
- Remove, if any other devices are joined to other ports in your TV
- Tap and long hold the ‘up’ & ‘rewind’ button in your fire stick remote for not less than five seconds to change the resolution of your TV
- For people streaming a program in 4K Ultra HD resolution, there are chances for black screen or display flicker. So you will have to wait for a few seconds.
If you wish to solve Amazon fire stick black screen issue in a smooth way, talk to amazon expert team by calling the toll-free amazon customer care contact number +1-844-517-6440 or visit Amazon Fire TV Stick Support.
Frenzy valentine is a passionate blogger, developer, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and author of and