Carefully go through this article and learn how to sell on Amazon for beginners, make your first sale and start a business. To be sincere, once you start making sales, you will be grateful to have come across this piece.
As a matter of fact, the required amount needed to sell on Amazon for beginner depends on where you’re sourcing your products from determines the amount needed to start an Amazon FBA (for beginners). One can easily get inventory to sell on Amazon from various sources:
How to get inventory to sell on Amazon
- Retail Stores: here, purchased goods from retail stores can be sold on Amazon. Its called arbitrage.
- Wholesale Suppliers: this is the purchasing of items from manufacturers and companies and selling them on amazon.
- Private Label Manufacturers: this is for manufacturers. You can produce and sell your products on Amazon or another online shop.
Amazon introduced its FBA service. This service enables sellers to leverage the platform’s see distribution network and customer base to see their business dream come true.
FBA stands for “Fulfillment by Amazon”. This simply means Amazon will stock your items in the Amazon inventory, fulfill your orders, and offer customer service. If you want to use the Amazon FBA service, you have to create an Amazon seller account and add FBA to your account. It’s important that you set your business up in compliance with the guidelines on the website.
How can you start an Amazon FBA business?
1. Create a Business Plan
To sell on Amazon as a beginner, you create a plan in place to ensure you are good to start. A business plan should include your business mission, strategy, market analysis, products and services, marketing and sales, and financial plan, etc.
There are a lot of things you really have to take in consideration. You have to survey the market, check the trends, get to know your competitors, and see the kind of products you intend to sell, available capital available to spend on the product sourcing, marketing, and promotion.
2. Find Your Niche
The first thing to do when you are set to sell on Amazon FBA as a beginner is to find a profitable niche as it contributes to your success. And to have a successful business, you should do market survey and find relevant trendy and products that that you are capable of promoting and managing.
Studying a product is very important to know the product behavior in the market. I recommend you do not involve seasonal and fragile products.
3. Start Market Research
When you have chosen a niche, use market research is next. Check if your niche can go with your product. Keep track of competitor sales over a period of time. However, tracking your competitors will give you insight on the market, niche, or segment.
If you confirm the product demand do not fluctuate in the market and their is regular supply of it, then you should proceed with it.
4. Identify Product Suppliers
After determining your niche, you should look for a specific product supplier. There are many ways to find supplier info. You can get suppliers on Alibaba and other B2B platforms such as AliExpress. Also Google search could be a nice place to find a supplier.
When you gave found a supplier, contact him or her and avoid scammers. Carefully check the sample products, evaluate the price also the minimum order. Payment options is another important part and then narrow down the your options based on requirements.
Remember to order samples so you can see the product quality.Check the product by yourself or use professional quality inspectors before you choose your supplier.
5. Make an Order
After getting a reliable supplier, you should to place an order.
As a beginner that wants to sell stuff on Amazon, your first order shouldn’t be large. You can place a small order and use it to test the the market after which you can start buying in bulks.
6. Register an Amazon Account
This should be one if the first things to do. Therefore, if you are to open an Amazon seller account, you have to register as an Amazon seller account first. Follow the steps we provided at the beginning of the article to register Amazon seller account.
7. Create Product Listing
Next is to create product listings to add your products on to the platform. You should make you listings look attractive and professional by include clear and high-resolution images. Ensure sure your items are “Prime eligible” and enjoy the free shipping options for prime members. Manually listing will be the best choice if you do not have many items. On the other hand, If you have many items, you should upload a spreadsheet that includes all your items. Provide a detailed information about your product.

8. Manage Your Inventory
Amazon FBA sellers should have a detailed list of all items on hand. Inventory levels are very important. Try to manage and replenish your inventory carefully. It is imperative for you to ensure you have enough to sell and keep your product inventory level available for your market and sales.
Your items will decrease automatically on Amazon as orders are placed. Always update your inventory level so as to make your products available when needed. Order and replenish your inventory level if you are running out of stock.
9. Follow up Customer Reviews
To be successful in selling on Amazon as a beginner, gain trust by making your services stress free for your customers so they will rate you high on Amazon customer review. Moreover, new buyers will refer to the Feedback left by others who have purchased items from you. Creating trust is the credibility that you’ve built among your target customers. These Feedbacks are boosters for your business.
10. Optimize Product Listings
Try to figure out your sales performance and keep track of your business. Optimize your product listings to boost website traffic and increase sales. Optimization should be a continuous process for Amazon sellers.
Find relevant keywords and insert them into your product titles, features, descriptions, etc. Take advantage of Amazon algorithm and use it for your business. Use Google Keyword Planner to research and get relevant keywords to use for your products.
Finally if before starting to sell on Amazon as a beginner, don’t forget to always inspect the product quality when the other arrives. Check the quality of raw materials used, processes in the production line, and the finished products before listing.
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Frenzy valentine is a passionate blogger, developer, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and author of and